About the PTO

Driscoll School Parent Teacher Organization

Co-Presidents: Kim Loscalzo, Beth Gilligan, Joanna Riley

Secretary: Eavan Gurin

Treasurer: Russel Seidle

Let us know if you’d like to join us at an executive meeting on Monday mornings or join us for “First Tuesday of the Month” PTO coffee.

725 Washington St
Brookline, MA 02446

(617) 879-4250

email: driscollpto@gmail.com


The Driscoll PTO (Parent Teacher Organization) is made up of every single parent and caregiver, teacher, administrator, and staff member in the Driscoll community.  Just by being a part of the community, you automatically become a member of the Driscoll PTO; it is up to you to decide how active a member you will be.  We hope you choose to join us in making the most of this experience!

The PTO is your voice and venue to be involved and be heard.  With hundreds of us working together, we are able to do wonders to enhance our children’s academic experience and benefit from the positive energy from the social events and programming.  There are numerous ways to get involved: on a one time basis at one of the various parent-run events held throughout the year, or on a more regular basis through one of the event committees or Executive Board. Our goal is to have every family volunteer at least one time a year. 

The PTO is responsible for many of the special events that our students look forward to each year: Science Solstice, Arts Equinox, the Spring Fair, and so many more!  The success of each event depends on parent volunteers and participation, and offers a unique way to participate in your children’s school experience.